writing 13

 Carmen: What's the matter, Gemma? You look worried

Gemma: I've got a biology exam tomorrow and I don't understand anything, I'm scared, I don't know what I am going to do!

C:Don't worry! You are very clever, I'm sure you do great this exam. You don't need to be worried

G: Yes, but the exam is tomorrow and I don't have enough time to learn this unit

C: You have already passed other exams and this one too. I 'm sure. You just have to be sure of yourself

G: That's true but I get nervous and I blocked myself. I'm studying, but I don't memorize anything. How difficult biology is!

C: I can help you! If you come to my house now, I will teach you and my mother too

G: That's a great idea! When I finish my English homework I'll go to your home

C: Bye bye Gemma. I will wait for you at  my home

G: Bye! see you soon 


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